Bulletin Board

19:25, Wednesday, 4/26/2023
Replaced the links for artist bio/cv/ contact with a cool tab menu thing! really exciting stuff imo, had to do some javascript which i suck at (copy paste code like a boss) I also swapped the logo from the black and white metallic looking one ot a nice orangey red color. lots of small changes as well. placement and what not. also some fake ads! kinda cute, makes it look more like a real website.
12:06, Wednesday, 4/26/2023
Updating the site to actually have CSS, and to look kinda like Yahoo! Japan. woohoo! also, I have changed the font of the website to Meiryo, for at least a little bit of multi lingual support built in.


This should be the hitcounter :/

My name is Luca Monfre, I am an artist from Milwaukee, WI and I enjoy working in multiple mediums that cover a vast selection of disciplines. Most of my artistic practice focuses around nostalgia for the early digital age, video game and cartoon aesthetics, and the emergence of consumer-accessible three dimensional graphics. In terms of technical practice recently, I primarily do sculpture, animation and sound work, additionally I frequently work with paint, using acrylic paints almost exclusively, as it is effective in creating flat and stylistic colors and shapes. Other than that I enjoy creating low polygon three dimensional digital works using blender, intending to replicate the dated graphical technology of the previous era of digital art. I fixate a lot on the styling and culture of digital media in the 90s-00s, with heavy emphasis on exaggerated features and proportions, bright colors, and bold lines. Alongside the intentional stylizations, I also like to include the limitations, inexactitudes and quirks of the technology respective to the era that I feel is able to be appropriated and utilized to further my own narrative and intention within my work.

Luca Monfre is a 23 year old multidisciplinary artist from Milwaukee, WI who is currently studying at MIAD. Luca Monfre is an artist who focuses on the appropriation of cartoon aesthetics and digital imagery to represent the interpersonal relationships he has with himself and the media he grew up with. Luca’s art heavily centers around his interests, hobbies, and comforts as well as how he can twist them into something new or representational, often borrowing imagery from his inspirations directly. Luca has previously had his works shown in the digital nostalgia show at Between Two Galleries as well as in the MIAD Senior Thesis exhibition.

Luca G. Monfre
Milwaukee WI
[email protected]
2023 - BFA, New Studio Practice, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee, WI
Group Exhibitions
2022, Digital Nostalgia, Between Two Galleries, Milwaukee WI
2022, Color, Wallway Gallery, Milwaukee WI
2022, Steadfast, Unbound, Meltwater Studios, Milwaukee WI
2022, Steadfast, Unbound II, Brooks Stevens Gallery, Milwaukee WI
2023, MIAD Senior Thesis Exhibition, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee WI
2023, The Human_body Tomorrow, Some Fools Basement, Milwaukee WI

Luca G. Monfre
[email protected]
DM me on Instagram @lowpasshighpass

Want an ad spot?

feel free to contact me about the possibility of getting a little square of my website! i'll design the ad and place it somewhere that fits nice in the page. space is somewhat limited at the moment though.

website to be renovated soon

the guestbook service i was using has shut down :(

Copyright © 2022-2023 Luca Monfre, All Rights Reserved